Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2020 - So far I have done 7 of the "52 With A View" (zoomed-in on the unhiked mountains):
Today I'm going to tackle
South Baldface,
North Baldface, and
Eagle Crag
(zoomed-in on the Evans Notch/Meader Ridge area).
I will be doing the "Baldface Circle Trail", going clockwise:
This is from a wonderful "White Mountains Trail Map":
It is a 3-hour drive up to
Baldface Trailhead, so I'm hoping to leave the house at 6 AM:
Um, make that 6:45 AM
The moon and Mars were out when I took out the trash this morning:
Of course it is a beautiful fall day driving through New England:
Right before my trailhead parking, there is a lovely field with a view of where I am going:
Got to parking, and started hiking at 10:16 AM
The parking is on the east side of 113, and the trail is just a little ways north, on the other side of the road.
After a mile, you get to "Trail Intersections" - the trail to
South Baldface goes off to the left, while my next stop -
Emerald Pool - goes off to the right:
Charles Brook is just a few steps through the woods, and is running strong after yesterday's rains:
and I understand
Emerald Pool is quite popular during the summer:
Back at the Intersection, and heading up to
South Baldface:
Funny thing about me and trails - once in a while I am going up the trail:
and then SUDDENLY I'M NOT!!!
I was going uphill, following a kind-of trail through the woods, but there were no yellow blazes, so I knew I was "off-trail". I figure I was in this yellow box:
I was south of the trail. So I headed northwest, along the ridge-line, crossed a nice brook, up an embankment, along the ridge-line a bit more, and broke out onto the trail at 11:26
With the nice yellow blazes:
Right before noon I reached
Baldface Shelter:
and the trail up to the LEDGES goes right behind it, to the left.
Well, here is where we get to the "Terrifying 25" part of the trip. The 1st entry on their list is:
BALDFACE CIRCLE TRAIL (southern section)
"several class II moves are required on the ledges of South Baldface; fantastic views are obtained on the ledges and also at the summit of South Baldface; I recommend that you continue on and make a 10-mile loop over both Baldface summits (the summit of North Baldface is one of the best summits in New England); don't miss swimming in cold but beautiful Emerald Pool on the way down; overnight accomodation available at the Baldface Shelter (below South Baldface)"
So these are some of the Ledges:
I don't have any "in your face" photos of ledges - they just don't lend themselves to up-close photos - but a view using Google Earth is pretty good:
This is a nice panorama from my (sheltered-from-the-wind) lunch spot:
After the LEDGES, you go up very nicely to the eastern knob (a sub-peak) of
South Baldface:
On top of the knob
the "Baldface Knob Trail" comes in from the south (looking south toward
Eastman Mtn:
The view looking back east from this trail-intersection:
and then 10 minutes later, looking back down at that trail-intersection (in the yellow circle):
You then go into some woods for a little bit (gets me out of the west wind), and I reached the summit at 1:13 PM, just about 3 hours after starting:
And this is why
South Baldface is one of "52 With A View" - looking south:
looking southwest:
looking west:
looking north:
and finally, looking east across the
Cold River Valley:
I then hiked north on the "Baldface Circle Trail"
North Baldface at 1:48 PM:
Looking northeast:
and a nice panorama from the northeast, to the
Cold River Valley, to
South Baldface in the southeast:
On Top Of The World, on my way over to
Eagle Crag:
Eagle Crag at 2:36 PM:
I backtracked a little to the trail-intersection, to go down, and got a nice picture of a couple (for perspective):
The trail goes almost-straight-down for a while, then angle-down for a while, then levels out:
I was MAKING GREAT TIME on the way back down!
After yesterday's rain, the trail was pretty wet, but the streams/brooks were really flowing:
After the turnoff for
Emerald Pool, the trail jags over to the right, but I kept going straight on the old logging road. I knew I was heading east, and that "the trail" was just somewhere close on my right:
kind-of-wierd - The last mile back down was not
that jagged, and the original mile up was not
that straight.
It was a LOVELY hike through the woods:
I did 10.04 miles in 5 hours 38 minutes:
Easy 3-hour drive home for dinner - 328 miles today. Thank you God for this
Great "52 With A View"/"Terrifying 25" Day!
For my listening pleasure today: Neal Stephenson (a sci-fi author I really like) wrote his opus
Cryptonomicon in 1999, and I'm doing cds 12, 13, 14 and 15 today:
and in-between the 2 pairs:
The Beatles -
Beatles for Sale, 1964
Shameless Plug: if you enjoy this blog, you may like my other one about visiting Art Museums and National Parks (and hiking in the Rockies)
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